Execute command
This job runs a bash command via an SSH connection on the remote server
The command will be run in a background process on the server and the process ID stored in Orchestra. You can find the process ID under the run parameters of the Orchestra Task. When the process completes, the exit code, stdout and stderr from the command will be saved to files in the /tmp
directory. Orchestra will poll the process ID on your server waiting for completion, and fetch the results from the /tmp
directory to succeed or fail the Orchestra task.
The external message on the task will show up to the last 3 lines of the stdout or stderr log depending on if the command succeeded or failed.
Use Cases
This is a great option if you want to trigger a process that already exists on a Linux server you manage. For example,
Executing a bash script on a server
Running a Python program from within a virtual environment on the server
Running a Dbt command on a server that has your Dbt files
Currently we do not support cancelling a Linux SSH execute command Task. Please get in touch if you require this feature.
These parameters are required to run the Execute Task.
Error handling
Orchestra will fail the Task if the command returns any exit code other than 0. Stdout and stderr logs will be sent to Orchestra and displayed as separate log files on the Orchestra platform.
Last updated