Pipeline runs

A Pipeline Run is an object representing an instantiation of the Pipeline in time. Any time the Pipeline is triggered, a Pipeline Run is created and all tasks inside it are executed. The status of the Pipeline Run depends on the tasks states. Each Pipeline Run is run separately from one another, meaning that you can have many runs of a DAG at the same time.

(We are considering taking an asset-based approach to scheduling, that acts as an orchestration layer on top of the orchestration layer (!!) which means even if you have many runs of a DAG at the same time, you aren't redundantly running the same operations twice - let us know if you have thoughts on this).


There are no Settings (user-defined attributes) for Pipeline Runs


  • Status: The status of the Pipeline Run. The Pipeline Run will only succeed if all tasks succeed. See below for more information about Pipeline Run statuses.

  • Message: A succinct, Orchestra-defined message that informs the User what happened during the Pipeline Run.

  • Created: The time the Pipeline Run was created.

  • Start Time: The time the Pipeline Run was moved into a Running state.

  • End Time: The time the Pipeline Run was moved into a completed (Succeeded, Failed, or Cancelled) state.

  • Run Time: The time between the Pipeline Run Start Time and the Pipeline Run Completed Time.


Pipeline Runs go through multiple statuses during their lifetime. The Orchestra engine strictly controls the order in which these statuses change, along with the possible transitions that are possible. The possible Pipeline Run states are listed below:

  • Created - a Pipeline Run enters this state when the Pipeline Run is initiated

  • Running - a Pipeline Run enters this state once the first Task Run of the Pipeline has been triggered.

  • Succeeded - a Pipeline Run enters this state once all Task Runs in the Pipeline Run have completed successfully.

  • Failed - a Pipeline Run enters this state if a Task Run has failed. If a Pipeline Run has other Task Runs that are still running, the Pipeline Run will remain in a Running state until all Task Runs have entered a completed (Failed or Succeeded) state.

  • Cancelling - a Pipeline Run enters this state when the user makes a cancellation request via the UI.

  • Cancelled - a Pipeline Run enters this status once all the Task Runs of the Pipeline Run have completed (Failed, Succeeded or Cancelled). A Pipeline Run can only enter a Cancelled state if it was already in a Cancelling state.

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