Matillion Data Productivity Cloud (DPC)
Low-code ELT Platform (SAAS version) from Matillion
Type: ELT
API Docs:
To authenticate Orchestra to Matillion, you need to generate an API Key in Matillion. You do this by navigating to Manage -> Api Credentials (See below).
Make a note of the Client Secret when you do this, as you won't get a chance to copy this again.
To connect Matillion DPC to Orchestra, you will need:
admin access to a Matillion DPC account
Create API Key
Log in to the Hub.
Click Manage on the left side of the window.
Click API Credentials in the sub-menu.
Click Set an API Credential to begin the process of creating a new Client ID and Client Secret.
Give your credential set a descriptive Name. We recommend that you use a name that suits the application or purpose the credentials will be used for.
Click Save to create the Client ID and Secret.
Copy the secret immediately. You are not able to view the secret again after this point. If you do not copy it, or otherwise lose it, you will need to delete these credentials and generate a new set. The Secret window will close automatically after this point.
Determine Base URL
Make sure to choose the right endpoint when you are using the Matillion console. Your Hub account needs to be in the same region as the endpoint server. More details can be found here
Set Workspace slug (optional)
To enable additional Orchestra functionality to help you debug and monitor your Matillion DPC jobs, you can set the workspace slug in the Matillion <> Orchestra form.
To find your workspace slug, login to your Matillion hub. The workspace slug is in the URL. Copy the first subdomain in the URL. For example, if your URL is
, your workspace slug is company
Job name | Description |
Matillion execute Pipeline | This job triggers a pipeline execution using this endpoint. |
Last updated