This job send a HTTP Request sychronously and expects an immediate HTTP response to succeed or fail the task.
Use Cases
Generally, HTTP Requests are helpful for triggering processes in external systems using Orchestra. Often, these are requests to alerting services or requests to metadata microservices that collate data upon completion of a task.
In Orchestra, we aim to provide this functionality "out-the-box", but we of course understand the need for interoperability and therefore have a HTTP Request option for edge-cases where we cannot support the use-case natively.
Important Note: The HTTP Request Task is not designed for use for long-running synchronous calls. The HTTP Request will timeout after a relatively modest period of time, so users should ensure that the system being called is able to respond relatively promptly, and tasks that are triggered in systems external to Orchestra are able to run after returning a response to Orchestra. If you need the task to remain in a running state until your long running process has completed, use the Python SDK HTTP job instead which waits for a webhook event to complete the task.
These parameters are required to run the Request Task
Name | Data type | Restrictions | Example |
Task name | String | N.A. | Send Request |
Path | String | /endpoint | |
Method | String | GET, POST, PUT | |
JSON Body | Json | Well-formatted JSON |
Error handling
API Requests
Orchestra will fail the Task if the response code isn't a 2xx code.
Code | Description | Handling |
401 | Unauthorised | We will raise an error and parse the raw error message from the Render response as the Orchestra message |
404 | Not Found | We will raise an error with the HTTP Reason as the Orchestra message |
Other error code | We will raise an error with the HTTP Reason as the Orchestra message |
We do not expect the usage of this Task to "take a long time". Therefore HTTP Requests will timeout (and the Task, and Pipeline) will fail if the request takes more than 30 seconds.
Last updated