Task Runs

A Task Run is an object representing an instantiation of a given Task in time. Any time a Pipeline is triggered, Orchestra creates a Task Run for each task in that Pipeline. The Orchestra engine then decides which Task Runs to run - this is updated as Task Runs complete and the engine decides what needs to run next. The Orchestra engine relies on the dependencies created in the Pipeline Builder to determine the order of Task Runs within your Pipeline.


There are no Settings (user-defined attributes) for Task Runs


  • Status: A value representing the current status of the Task Run. See below for the possible statuses.

  • Message: A succinct, Orchestra-defined message that informs the User what happened during the Task Run

  • Platform Message: A string field containing some of the raw data returned from the underlying platform. Sometimes nothing of any substance is returned, in which case this field is left blank.

  • HTTP Status Code: Represents the HTTP status code returned from the underlying platform. In the UI this is displayed along with the equivalent HTTP reason message. (ie 200 OK)

  • Created: The time the Task Run was created (ie when the Pipeline Run started)

  • Started: The time the Task Run was moved into a "RUNNING" state

  • Completed: The time the Task Run was moved into a completed state (Succeeded, Failed, or Cancelled).

  • Run Time: The time between the Completed and Started times.

  • Connection: The integration credential used for this Task Run. See Connections for more details.

  • Platform Link: Orchestra tries to build a link to the underlying platform to help users find issues with their Task Runs. Sometimes this isn't supported for the integration so won't be included.

  • Task Parameters: An object presenting all the user-defined parameters used for this particular Task Run.

  • Run Parameters: When Orchestra triggers a job in the underlying platform there is often some data representing this specific run in the underlying platform. Orchestra stores this information here to assist users with debugging their Pipelines/Tasks.


Task Runs go through multiple statuses during their lifetime. The Orchestra engine strictly controls the order in which these statuses change, along with the possible transitions that are possible. The possible Task Run states are listed below:

  • Created - a Task Run enters this state when the Pipeline Run is initiated, allowing users to see all the Tasks Runs that will occur as part of this Pipeline Run.

  • Skipped - a Task Run enters this state if there are parent Task Runs that have failed that this Task Run was dependent on.

  • Queued - a Task Run enters this state when the Orchestra engine has requested this Task Run to start.

  • Running - a Task Run enters this state once the job in the underlying platform has been triggered. It will remain in this state until either it succeeds or fails, or the user makes a cancellation request via the UI

  • Succeeded - a Task Run enters this state once the job in the underlying platform has completed successfully. This allows dependent task runs to then start.

  • Failed - a Task Run enters this state if the job in the underlying platform fails. All dependent Task Runs are then moved to a skipped state.

  • Cancelling - a Task Run enters this state when the user makes a cancellation request via the UI. Sometimes the underlying platform does not support cancellation of the job so Orchestra will wait for the job to succeed or fail.

  • Cancelled - a Task Run enters this state once the job has been successfully cancelled in the underlying platform


Task runs in Orchestra are limited to 6 hours. Any long running tasks will be failed after this time with a message to let you know the limit has been reached. If you have tasks that need to run longer than this, please get in touch with support@getorchestra.io.

Last updated